ways to quiet a classroom
Beth O. tells her students to “pop a marshmallow in.” Right after she says the words, she puffs up her cheeks and taps them, and the kids do the same with their own cheeks (which stops them from talking.) On a side note, I picked up the finger idea from an in-service where I also learned to use hand signals for when students need to go to the bathroom, get water, etc. My students will pat, pat, clap, clap, snap, snap, “shhhh!”, Or I might say, “Give me a number 23!” Tell students in advance that you will be calling on them to give an answer. On October 7, ... Keep repeating “If you can hear me, do this” until the whole classroom is doing the gestures together. Then we all clap once together.” Stephanie W. uses this: “Take a seat, take a seat…Take a load off your feet, whoop whoop [raise arms on the whoop whoop].” Another idea is to play a Simon Says-like game: “If you can hear me, put your hands on your head” and so on with different directions to get kids moving. Because it s something that all kids recognize. Typically, this will quiet a classroom within 20 seconds, and an auditorium or cafeteria of hundreds of students in less than a minute. Read books about how we are all different and unique in our own ways—creating a supportive environment for all students. (I have another post coming up with specific suggestions for that.) Still, I want to quiet her down. These are all so clever! I like “Raise your hand if you can hear me”….it takes a moment but it good K though adult! When done, the leader had everyone’s attention. I told them if they forced me to ring the bell, it would mean a loss of privileges. Ask the students how long they think they can be quiet. I had some students this year who I think would have totally gotten into that. We teach them that they should really be quiet by 3 and not need to go all the way to 5. Nothing in their hands and all eyes are on me. There is nothing she enjoys more than to turn math haters into math lovers through fun games, meaty number talks & the occasional M&M. Standing and waiting for it to get quiet works like a domino effect, one student realizes you are waiting for them and they help to get the rest of the classroom to quiet down. I would love some ideas on how to quiet down high schoolers. With my first graders I usually try to remind them that I will take the cones away at exactly 12:35 so the kids know I’m always giving them their entire talking time. Use the same song daily for several weeks, and teach kids that when the music stops, instruction begins. It’s funny because I’ve always had that look that would quiet my students most of the time. We are smarter together. Here is a blog post I recently wrote to share my ideas of using our favorite literature to bring us back together. Here are just a few!). Hands up mean stop talking and pay attention to the teacher. . [1] X Research source For instance, make a "peace" sign so they can "peace" back at you. By the middle of the year, I don’t even say it anymore, I just put my hand up and the kids quiet down by 1.”. Demonstrate the behavior you want to see. You can do this in a number of ways. You can get them to go around as many times as you like during the day. I do have a question about using a sign to cue students instead of singing/playing music to get their attention. The first day of school I told the children that our room would only hold so much sound before it started flowing out into the hall. Finding ways to encourage and engage quiet personalities can be well worth the effort. I am a Girl Scout leader, and our troop is often rowdy. Crossed fingers = bathroom, a finger “w” = water. After a few days, maybe you can add 1-2 more classes to your “quiet list.” Keep moving in this direction until you can maintain this behavior throughout the day. Thank you, Lisa! I call out “Shark Bait!” and the kiddos respond with “Oooh ha ha!” They all love Finding Nemo and visitors to our classroom always get a laugh! I have about 40 students in my class.
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