is polygamy necessary in islam
Marriage is between a man and a woman. Now, the next question is why permission has been given for up to four wives. The popularity of Islamic polygamy varies from countries to another. Although Greece and Rome were not polygamous societies, concubinagewas a norm. Polygamy was customary before Islam and was not abrogated with the coming of Islam; instead, Islam has corrected and set various conditions for the practice. To be honest, Islam was the first religion that had the courage to tackle the issue of polygamy and limit the number of wives one can have. And also there will always be confusion and controversy about “whose the father of the child” leading to medico-legal issues. Time and time again the question of polygamy in Islam is raised as a grave issue and … Women who are married to chronically ill, sterile or impotent husbands are allowed recourse to divorce, if they feel the situation is unbearable. What Islam did was to organize polygamy, and restrict it to four wives under strict rules of justice. Muslims often attempt to hide it or apologize for its existence. That is true, but there are people in every society who abuse any institution, however necessary that may be to the healthy growth of human society. The principle was permitted, but polygamy was limited to four wives. Among the Hindus,polygamy prevailed from the earliest times. Instead, it is a provision – something allowed – for special circumstances. Muslim men in polygamous marriages should be kind to their women. It occurs very frequently in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(rh)explains it as follows: The primaryoccasion then for the provision of polygamy is in war-time situations. Islam has clearly laid out the rights of women in marriage, and especially in polygamy; men are reminded over and over again about the necessity of justice, of fairness in finances, time, and other matters, and of the severe punishments that await those husbands who violate their wives’ Islamic marital rights. Islam also permits polygamy. Four is a cardinal number in prior scriptures. Also it must be emphasized that Ahmadiyya Muslim Community’s policy requires that Ahmadi citizens obey the law of the land in which they live as long as that law does not conflict with an express command from Allah. Islam is a practical religion; and it intends to protect the women and preserve their dignity. Islam did not invent the system of polygamy. To produce children, and provide a stable and righteous environment for their upbringing. The value of polygamy becomes very clear in times of war when the husband dies and the woman can’t take care of herself and her children because of lack of material resources. Qur'an is the only religious scripture in the world that says 'marry only one' Qur'an is the only religious … The two terms are easily confused. Another issue with polyandry and polygamy being permitted at the same time in the name of equality is that if one woman can have multiple husbands, then the husband can also have multiple wives, and there is no limit on these extended relationships and the family unit cannot be easily defined. Or why is. Muslims who believe in the Messiah, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani (as), Love for All, Hatred for None. Sadly, many Muslims have succumbed to Western propaganda and have become open opponents of polygamy as well. :) If you're seeing this, it means this article was either a guest post by a contributor or a team effort. That does not mean it is the norm or what most expect to see. Polygamy is among the most common topics by which the Western world continues to malign Islam. It can be sought only when it is necessary or compulsory. Polygamy: African society was, and to a certain extent is, a polygamous society. Islam did not introduce polygamy. Islamregulated polygamy by limiting the number of … The idea that Islam allows polygamy so that men can pursue lust, and as an excuse to fulfil sensual desires, is a far cry from what Islam actually wishes to achieve. To marry another women except his wife’s relatives forbidden for him, like a woman who has no blood related to him. Arba in Hebrew and Arabic means 4. Previous teachings permitted unlimited and unrestricted polygamy. Islam is a practical religion; and it intends to protect the women and preserve their dignity. Islam allows polygamy and permits men, under specific circumstances, to have at most four wives at any given time. system of marriage wherein one person has more than one spouse Clearly, polygamy must be meaningful, or it … The principle was permitted, but polygamy was limited to four wives. The Official Website of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. Liked what you read?Subscribe to the Muslim Memo Newsletter and receive weekly updates about new articles, posts and other relevant info meant especially for the intellectual Muslim.Enter your email address to subscribe. To enable a man and a woman to live together and experience love and happiness, within Islamic law. Polygamy did not come with Islam. In fact, Islam is the only religion that limited this ancient and widespread practice. During times of war, the number of men in the society is reduced due to war casualties. He was permitted to marry two, three or four women for the word of Allah SWT: “…. The Islamic law allows Muslim men to practice polygamy, but it does not encourage it. Answer: 1. Lastly, it goes without saying that nowadays not many Muslims actually practise polygamy. Generally speaking, Shia Muslim are more likely to practice polygamy. Among all Easternnations of antiquity, polygamy was a recognized institution. Islam simply permits polygamy; it neither forces nor requires it. After all, societies where polygamy is a taboo face maximum incidents of adultery and other similar crimes. There is almost consensus of opinion that Islam allows polygamy. Agreed, polygamy has some disadvantages, but it is still a better option than adultery or prostitution. Polygamy was customary before Islam and was not abrogated with the coming of Islam; instead, Islam has corrected and set various conditions for the practice. Polygamy . Allah in His wisdom has determined four to be an adequate number to provide proof beyond doubt (four witnesses) or to provide adequate time. In some countries, it is more common than in other Islamic countries. This proves that polygamy is one of the things that is allowed for a man such the law of polygamy in Islam. Polygamy was the practice of Jews, Christians, Buddhist, and pre-Islamic Arabs, perhaps others as well. To provide a legal union which safeguards society from moral and social degradation. He kept doing everything that is forbidden in Islam, and he used Islam as an excuse for his polygamous lifestyle. But if you fear that you will not do justice (between them), then (marry) only one. As such, Islam forbids adultery and offers two alternative solutions: divorce or polygamy. Why not three or five? Polygamy was and is practiced in Islamic cultures under the authority of Sdrah 4:3. For such situations, Islam giv… Also there are four cardinal attributes of Allah [2]: Rabb (Lord), Rehman (Gracious), Raheem (Merciful) and Malik (Master). “Four” (cardinal number) was a sacred and complete number with the Hebrews, as well as with several other peoples. It represents comprehensiveness, wholeness and fullness or completion. A man has been given permission to marry again if his wife is chronically ill and cannot fulfil the obligations of marriage; or if she is unable to have children; or under certain conditions of wartime, when marrying widows to look after orphans may be necessary to protect the morals of society. For example, in Saudi Arabia, Islamic polygamy is much more common than in Egypt. Monogamy still the preferred form of marriage, and if you ask me: does Islam encourage polygamy? The answer is yes, but it is allowed only as an exception. One of the most frequently asked questions about Islam is — why does Islam allow polygamy? In this sensibility, polygamy is permissible as it can benefit women in need, accommodate rising female populations and ensure the women’s rights are being upheld. Nowadays, polygamy is usually viewed as a right that man has but should not take, or as a law that is outmoded and in need of being abolished. Polygamy becomes a necessity under certain circumstances, but can only be practiced under certain conditions and with restrictions. It is just a permission with certain limitation and conditions. Thus no woman can be married forcibly or given to a man who is already married, except if she and her family agree, since there is no secret marriage in Islam polygamy is … It should be remembered that polygamy is not a compulsory thing nor is it advocated. Question: Why is a man allowed to marry more than one wife in Islam? one person has more than one spouse. The team behind Muslim Memo. I recently read about an American singer who decided after reverting to Islam to have multiple wives. Time and time again, the question of polygamy in Islam is raised as a grave issue and a big hurdle to any serious discussions about Islam. Although as a wife especially the first wife, polygamy is looked like unfair for her. But … Before starting any discussion of polygamy in Islam, several simple facts should be taken into account. In fact, Islam is the only religion that limited this ancient and widespread practice. Islam limits the number of wives allowed to four, and also discourages the practice. Islam is also the world’s only religion that gives women the right to ask for divorce and marry another man. The Islamic rules state that a Muslim man can marry a maximum of four women. is polygyny where a man marries more than one woman, and the other is One reason for this is that it is not physically possible to bear children of multiple husbands at the same time; one of the many reasons this has not been institutionalized throughout the ages. Polygamy existed in varying degrees in different parts of the world, in diverse cultures before the spread of Islam. If a man cannot be satisfied with one woman, it is better for society that he assumes full moral and financial responsibility of a second wife. It may be further argued that polygamy, which has been instituted by Islam as an exception and a remedy, has been largely abused by sensual people. Consequently, there is an increase in the number of widows and orphans. Islam does allow polygamy, i.e., having more than one wife at the same time, but it does not encourage it. Time and time again, the question of polygamy in Islam is raised as a grave issue and a big hurdle to any serious discussions about Islam. Also, marriage and polygamy in Islam is a matter of mutual consent. Islam allows the practice of “polygyny”, not necessarily “polygamy”. Hence polyandry does not serve the purpose of marriage and will create more emotional and practical problem than the restricted polygamy solves in certain circumstances. polygamy allowed in Islam? Islam allows polygamy and permits men, under specific circumstances, to have at most four wives at any given time. Islam forbids polyandry which is when a woman is married to more than one husband at the same time. Islamic Defense of Polygamy. If man’s actions and man made laws are not congruent with Divine intent and design there are consequences. It has allowed four wives at a time and has enjoined equality in treatment of all wives. In Islam, monogamy is essential and polygamy is exceptional. Instead of forcing such women to resort to prostitution, a man can marry her to give her a better life. Islam has put stringent conditions on a person who wants to have more than one wife. Hinduism allows men to have multiple wives, and the father of Lord Rama had three wives, whereas Lord Krishna had over a hundred. It is best for a man to have only one wife, but Islam allows polygamy (or, more accurately polygyny) when social circumstances make it necessary. There was, as among the ancientBabylonians, Assyrians, and Persians, no restriction as to the number of wivesa man might have. Does Islam allow polygamy? (other) women, two or three or four. The value of polygamy becomes very clear in times of war when the husband dies and the woman can’t take care of herself and her children because of lack of material resources. Before discussing whether it is an appropriate element of Islamic society in modern times, however, it is important to address the question of why we care. There are three basic reasons for marriage in Islam[1]: The subject of polygamy generates more misconceptions about Islam than any other. They also claim that the practice of polygyny curbs adultery, thus leading to more and happier marriages and fewer divorces. One of these conditions is to treat them equally and not to favor one woman over another, in order to ensure justice and equality between wives. The idea that Islam allows polygamy so that men can pursue lust, and as an excuse to fulfil sensual desires, is a far cry from what Islam actually wishes to achieve. The Reasons Why Islam Permits Polygamy. In other words, Islam plays a big role in providing protection and dignity to widows and safeguarding the future of such children. It is important to understand here that for Muslims, moral standards define Divine Revelation, and not Western opinion. This is Divine intent and design. Polygamy can be of two types. This marriage helped in rekindling the old Quraysh bondage’s and reconcile differences. The first thing to note on this issue is that polygamy is not ordered as a general rule for all Muslims to follow. Polygamy may enable a male to sire more offspring, but monogamy can, in certain circumstances, represent a more successful overall reproductive strategy. Create Justice. A woman can have only one husband at a time. The General Reasons: KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 15 — Seven in 10 Muslim women here agree that polygamy is a right accorded to Muslim men, a survey by rights group Sisters in Islam (SIS) on Muslim women’s realities in Malaysia published today found. Having a mistress and committing adultery is a grievous sin and causes the moral decline of society. Previous teachings permitted unlimited and unrestricted polygamy. Definition of Polygamy: Polygamy means a system of marriage whereby. Traditional Sunni and Shia Islamic marital jurisprudence allows Muslim men to be married to multiple women (a practice known as polygyny and polygamy) — up to four at any point in time. In fact, polygamy came into existence even before Islam! It indicates completeness. Polygamy is an alternative to divorce in case of some marital problems. Besides, a woman may stipulate that her husband must not marry any other woman as a second wife in her prenuptial contract. The Quran says: [1]. However, it is regarded permissible when there are some general or special reasons. Muslim scholars often claim that the reason why Allah allowed men to marry four wives is that men are killed in battle, thus resulting in women being in more numbers more than men. A.P.U.H uncle Abbas, Khalid bin Walid and many important elders and leaders of Quraysh who were instrumental in sever opposition to the Prophet B.A.P.U.H and his religion. Polygamy is a complicated aspect of marriage in Islam in which the welfare of the community supersedes the desires of the individual (woman). 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Islam limits the number of wives allowed to four, and also discourages the practice. Question is, why do people misuse Islam to hide their flaws and justify their actions? In the Jewish scripture and saying of their sages the number four signifies completeness, wholeness, or fullness. Polygamy is not a compulsion in Islam - it is an exception Polygamy is not permitted in Islam None of the above 2. (Generally one email per week; no spam; unsubscribe anytime). Islam neither made polygamy obligatory for anyone, nor did it encourage polygamy. [1] The Islamic Marriage System, Pathway to Paradise. Conversely, Muslim women do not have the right to marry several men. Polygamy is most often understood to be a practice that allows any male or female to be married to an unlimited number of spouses at the same time. Islam is a very sensible religion that puts focus on maintaining the family as well as the community. The idea that Islam allows polygamy so that men could pursue lust and as an excuse to fulfill sensual desires is a far cry from what Islam actually wishes to achieve. Instead of divorcing a sick or infertile wife, Islam permits a man to marry another woman while taking care of the first if she chooses to stay with him.
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